new novella
The Fall of the Queen of Elphame
The Queen of Elphame longs to hang up her crown and retire in peace, but new threats to her Queendom keep her dream out of reach. When Queen Aranara is faced with an impossible decision between protecting the future of her realm and pursuing her own happiness, she meets a human who could change everything.
Will Aranara follow her heart or her duties as Queen of Elphame? Find out in The Fall of the Queen of Elphame, Book One in The Eildon Tree series.
"I was hooked!!!! I cannot wait to read the next part. I really enjoyed that there were connections to earlier short stories, it really drew me into the universe. And the last chapter was SO satisfying!"

This is not your typical Thomas the Rhymer story.
There are many variations of the Scottish legend of Thomas the Rhymer. None of them give you the backstory of the Queen of Elphame. This is her story.
This story features:​
A new spin on a classic folktale
A new take on elves & fairyland
A historical setting
Magic, prophecies, parallel worlds, medieval Scotland
Action & Romance
"I really enjoyed the story! I felt that it sustained a really amazing level of tension throughout the entire thing…not easy to do! I was also struck by how effortlessly the story reads. I hope there is more to come, I’m quite enthralled with the characters!"

“Who are you?” Thomas whispered, not in fear but in wonder.
“I’m Queen Aranara of the Hidden Realm, known here by many names, including Queen of Elphame. But you can call me Nara.” She told him.
“In the flesh.” He whispered.
“Are you afraid of me?”
“Fear is for the stories.” He said, moving closer, lifting her hair to tuck it behind her ears. “No human imagination could do you justice."
"I loved this story and am definitely ready for the next book."

to Elphame
Immerse yourself in a world of magic and mystery.
Witness a love for the ages unfold.
Get lost in the magical surroundings of Elphame & 1200s Scotland.
For lovers of Outlander, The Mortal Instruments, Once Upon a Time, and Anne Rice.
Meet the Mastermind (Aka Author):
Natalie Guttormsson
Author | Wife & Mother | Podcaster | Copywriter
A strong love of history and folklore has fed my obsession with finding the common cultural threads contained in our stories. It is my mission to rewrite popular and obscure folk tales and bring them into the 21st century. My research and passion for misfits, underdogs, and visionaries inspired me to create the characters of Agnur, Ulfur, and all their friends, which makes the writing all the more magical.